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Agrostemin i drugi Stemini
Stemini su bioregulatori prirodnog porekla koji se upotrebljavaju u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji za povecavanje prinosa i poboljsanje kvaliteta plodova. Primenjuju se u ratarstvu, povrtarstvu, vocarstvu, vinogradarstvu i za gajenje cveca i ukrasnog bilja.

Books by Nikola Tesla
Goal of this home page is to secure Nikola Tesla's proper place in history at the National Museum of American History (NMAH) of the Smithsonian Institution.

Intellectual Property Protection in Eastern Europe
Intellectual Property Protection in Eastern Europe

Merac pica
Merac pica, jedinstven svetski patent

Nikola Tesla
Goal of this home page is to secure Nikola Tesla's proper place in history at the National Museum of American History (NMAH) of the Smithsonian Institution.

Nikola Tesla: Humanitarian Genius - Nikola Tesla: Zaboravljeni genije
Goal of this home page is to secure Nikola Tesla's proper place in history at the National Museum of American History (NMAH) of the Smithsonian Institution. "Elektricna energija je svugde prisutna u neogranicenim kolicinama i moze voditi svetske masoinerije bez potrebe za gasom, ugljem ili bilo kog drugog goriva" - Nikola Tesla.......Zanimljivi tekstovi o Tesli i njegovom radu, izumima, teorijama............

Sajam Informatike
Informatika Fair, Novi Sad, 3-7 novembar 1998.

Tesla - The lost inventions
"Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive world's machinery without the need of coal; oil; gas; or any other fuels." - Nikola Tesla

Tesla Coils
Tesla coils are air-core; resonant transformers. Working at high frequencies; they can generate tremendous voltages with spectacular lightning-like discharges. The most popular use for them has been in the film industry.

Yuko tatami
Welcome to YUKO TATAMI - world leader in enviroment - FRIENDLY INVENTION IN SPORTS - JUDO LANDING MATS